Hasn't this insipid idiot burned up his 15 minutes of fame yet?
Apparently Michael Moore believes someone out there actually still listens to his banal babble, going so far as to write an "open letter" to President Bush on Friday regarding the situation in New Orleans. I guess I should greet this as a refreshing change from Moore simply just opening his mouth repeatedly at the nearest buffet.
I am confident that there is no danger that Moore would be too busy these days actually helping people affected by the hurricane to have time to draft such dreck. Did you ever notice how these supposed do-gooders and self-appointed supporters of "the common man" are rarely ever seen actually physically helping to improve any given situation? Instead they tend to cower behind their pathetic pens and podiums, attacking and assigning blame to those who actually are doing something to help. What a joke. But who's laughing?
Moore's open letter--which was quickly forwarded to me by several of my dearly D.T.D.B. (desperate to disparage Bush) friends--is simply "Moore of the same." Mainly, baseless accusations dripping with inferences of incompetence, and slathered with thinly-veiled political aspersions. Once more, Moore and the Dims who are chiming in are out of touch with average America, who, in a weekend ABC/Washington Post poll, indicated that they do not feel President Bush is responsible for the situation in New Orleans. Frankly, what informed, unbiased person using an ounce of common sense would? But let's not forget that Moore has an agenda to pursue.
Moore's ludicrous and laughable letter attempts to link the war in Iraq with the speed of the response in New Orleans. Nothing could be further from fact of the matter. If you want to know how many helicopters are actually in use in New Orleans Mr. Moore, why don't you get up off of your fat ass and actually travel down there and witness it first hand before you start criticizing?
How many helicopters can safely occupy such a confined air space over New Orleans before they begin to jeopardize their own safety? There are numerous helicopters sitting idle across the U.S. at this very moment and it has nothing to do with a lack of pilots to fly them. Clearly Moore knows nothing about the logistics and unique challenges of handling a disaster of this magnitude. And frankly, he doesn't care. He only cares about turning it into a political hammer, pure and simple. It's despicable.
I am sickened that Moore is attempting to politicize this horrific natural disaster in yet another failed attempt to just toss mud at President Bush. Even more sickening is Moore's assertion that the victims left-behind after Katrina struck New Orleans are there simply because they are black and had no means of transportation. That is bullshit Michael Moore and you know it.
Why doesn't Moore's letter impugn the current mayor of New Orleans--a black man--for failing to have an adequate evacuation in plan when this type of result has been predicted for years? And more to the point, why doesn't Moore condemn the mayor for failing to utilize the HUNDREDS of school buses which went unused in the days prior to Katrina arriving, and after the levees broke? I will tell you why, because the mayor is black. Moore is not about to say anything negative about him. He can't.
If anyone is practicing racial divide in this country it's clearly Moore. And if anyone is responsible for the slow evacuation, it's the current mayor and the entire local government of New Orleans and numerous Louisiana state officials--including the governor--who were simply not prepared for this situation. Let's face it, there's more than enough blame to be shared here, including the feds, but now is not the time to sort it out, now is the time to rescue those people who are still stranded, starving, and truly desperate.
The tiresome rush to racism mentality perpetuated at a time like this by Moore, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharp, Kanye West, and other so-called "leaders" is appalling, disgusting, and just this side of treasoness. These people are nothing more than pompous, self-serving clowns and camera-junkies who should be immediately escorted from the vicinity so the real leaders and heroes can do their jobs. Or simply turn off the cameras, I guarantee you they will leave.
We certainly don't have to worry about seeing Moore around the devastated area as long as there is actual work to be done. And Moore isn't going to contract E. Coli anytime soon from coming in contact with the brackish, infectious waters flowing through the city. But Moore already suffers from a much more severe and unfortunately not-so-rare form of E. Coli... One that strikes the head and neck area rather than the intestines. You may be more familiar with the conventional name for Moore's chronic condition: Shit for brains.