Sunday, September 18, 2005

From the muddy waters, a flower grows.

For all of the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons, Kanye Wests, and other so-called leaders or spokespersons within the black community, there is occasionally a true leader who actually does care about fellow blacks and is actually willing to suspend the seemingly ever-present partisan bickering, back-stabbling, and self-serving sensationalism, and actually do something that helps the situation, not just do something that benefits his or her self.

Out of the New Orleans disaster, thankfully, many true caring and concerned members of the black community have emerged. And rather than spending their time standing around in front of reporters and cameras telling the world just how horrible things are in their view because President Bush and white America conveniently and collectively hate blacks, they have spent their time actually pitching in, helping, truly leading, and offering food, aid, care, clothing, shelter, compassion, and comfort to those affected, blacks and whites.

I can't help but wonder if these same warm and wonderful black Americans, largely Democrats, aren't going to remember down the road that when the time came for all people to step forward and help, many of today's Democrat "leaders" chose to, instead, play politics while New Orleans' cried out for help. I hope so. Political motivation is a powerful and sometimes dangerous thing but it does not come without cost.

One clear example of someone simply doing the right thing at the right time is none other than former Gore campaign chief, die-hard Democrat, and political powerhouse, Donna Brazile. I have followed politics for a great number of years, and believe me, there's no one more Democrat at heart than Donna. So I must admit that I was mildly surprised that she of all people has pledged her support to help President Bush rebuild New Orleans. And after reading her words in Saturday's Washington Post, I must say that I certainly admire her willingness to risk her political future by refusing to attack President Bush when his public approval ratings are down. And Donna can draw political blood with the best of them. Among political sharks, Donna Brazile is "Jaws."

But apparently, and I hope that she will forgive me for saying this, Donna and "W" are a great deal alike. Neither seems to care about popular opinion.

And so a helping hand is extended when it's needed most. Isn't that what living in America is all about? It's nice to know that in times of need, the American people are still willing to band together to get it done, and still more powerful than their respective politics.

Reprinted from The Washington Post:
I Will Rebuild With You, Mr. President
By Donna Brazile -- Saturday, September 17, 2005; A21

New Orleans is my hometown. It is the place where I grew up, where my family still lives. For me, it is a place of comfort and memories. It is home.

Now my home needs your help, and the help of every American. Much of my city is still underwater. Its historical buildings have been wrecked, its famous streets turned to rivers and, worst of all, so many of its wonderful people -- including members of my own family and my neighbors -- have lost everything.

On Thursday night President Bush spoke to the nation from my city. I am not a Republican. I did not vote for George W. Bush -- in fact, I worked pretty hard against him in 2000 and 2004. But on Thursday night, after watching him speak from the heart, I could not have been prouder of the president and the plan he outlined to empower those who lost everything and to rebuild the Gulf Coast.

Bush called on every American to stand up and support the rebuilding of the region. He told us that New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast would rise from the ruins stronger than before. He enunciated something that we all need to remember: This is America. We are not immune to tragedy here, but we are strong because of our industriousness, our ingenuity and, most important, because of our compassion for one another. We are a nation of rebuilders and a nation of givers. We do not give up in the face of tragedy, we stand up, and we reach out to help those who cannot stand up on their own.

The president called on every American to reach out to my neighbors in New Orleans and throughout the Gulf Coast. The great people of this country have already opened their hearts in the immediate aftermath of the storm, and their tremendous generosity has done more than just provide extra comfort -- it has saved lives. Now the crisis of survival is over. But the task of rebuilding remains, and the president made it clear that every single one of us has a role to play.
Each of us belongs to some group -- a church, a union or a fraternal organization, or even a book club -- that can make a difference. It is those groups that can pool resources and then reach out to their counterparts in the stricken states and ask, "What can we do?" Schools, Girl Scout troops, Rotary clubs -- this is the time for every community group to step forward to lend a helping hand. We need it.

The president also laid out the federal government's goal for rebuilding. It is unprecedented in its scope and ambition, matching destruction that is unprecedented as well. He made the challenge clear: This will be one of the biggest reconstruction projects in history. But he also made it clear that we can and will do this. New Orleans, Biloxi, all of the Gulf Coast will rise again. And the residents are ready to pitch in and do their part.

I know, maybe better than anyone, that there are times when it seems that our nation is too divided ever to heal. There are times when we feel so different from each other that we can hardly believe that we are all part of the same family. But we are one nation. We are a family. And this is what we do. When the president asked us to pitch in Thursday night, he wasn't really asking us to do anything spectacular. He was asking us to be Americans, and to do what Americans always do.

The president has set a national goal and defined a national purpose. This is something I believe with all my heart: When we are united, nothing can stop us. We will not waver, we will not tire, and we will not stop until the streets are clean, every last brick has been replaced and every last family has its home back.

Bush talked about how we bury our family and friends. We grieve and mourn. We march to a solemn song and then we rejoice and step out and form the second line. That line is now open to every American to join us in rebuilding a great region of this country. New Orleans will rise again. My hometown is down but not out, and with the help of every American, it will be back on its feet, bigger and brighter than ever.

Mr. President, I am ready for duty. I am ready to stir those old pots again. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.

The writer, a Democratic political consultant, managed Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign.


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