Friday, September 02, 2005

We have failed a generation.

Let me say it right up front, the situation in New Orleans is dire, but getting better by the moment now that more responders and suppliers are arriving literally minute by minute. That snapshot gives hope. A more troubling picture is this: As rescue workers attempted to deliver water and supplies to the Super Dome earlier today, the crowds, understandably, rushed one particular Black Hawk helicopter, grabbing anything and everything that they could.

Reportedly, the elderly and small children were unable to get to the supplies, or were only able to grab very small quantities. Young males reportedly made out the best, grabbing lots of supplies and hurrying away with them. Most troubling, only a few of these young males reportedly offered to share their water and supplies with the elderly and small hungry children.

If you ever needed evidence that we have raised a generation of folks on a diet of steady expectations of entitlement, here's the proof. How appalling that these young punks and thugs dare to hoard these vital supplies for their own consumption.

A decade of rap-mentality has taken its toll on a significant portion of the nation's youth. Fend for yourself and fu*k all others has been the message. And the kids have listened. What a shame it is that "do unto others" is no longer the common denominator. Factor in fatherless families and you have the recipe for shameless self-preservation at its ugliest. We have taken God and morality out of our schools and now we are paying the price.

How can we expect any other type of behavior from these pathetic punks? How long do we allow it to continue?


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