Tuesday, September 13, 2005


It will come as a surprise to some who read this that I was once, I admit it....a Democrat. It makes me a little queasy just typing it. Heaven only knows what would happen if I forced myself to say it out loud. Shudder the thought.

I could proceed to write a "War & Peace"-sized explanation here of why I am no longer a Democrat, but suffice it to say that the Democraps current political ploy to regain the White House in 2008 by bludgeoning President Bush at each and every turn--even at the expense of the unfortunate victims of Hurricane Katrina--is just another "shining" example of how low the Democraps will stoop. That wooshing sound you heard recently was so many Democraps' collectively and conveniently rushing to racism.

It apparently does not matter that we are talking significant human death and extensive suffering in New Orleans. I can forgive a traumatized and incompetent mayor's basically baseless accusations, or even forgive the emotional and self-serving remarks of an exhausted and inept governor, but when the so-called leaders of the Democrap party stand before you and me and the nation and purposely and with malice of forethought accuse President Bush of being a racist and person who hates blacks, I absolutely cannot and will not forgive those remarks.

To imply, infer, or anyway otherwise state directly or indirectly that George Bush willingly and knowingly delayed sending help to the people in New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama because they are primarily black--for the purpose of promoting racial divide and potentially receiving political gain--is, in my opinion, seditious, subversive, and treasonous. And don't forget to score an assist to the good ol' liberal media, especially The New York Times, and three national TV networks. Lest we lose track of the score they have to settle with President Bush who made them eat crow on election night. These smug and spineless stalwarts don't give a damn about actually helping people in need, they care only about successfully scaling Mt. Elitist and sitting high above the rest of us.

Do they bother reporting that New Orleans' blacks outnumber New Orleans' whites more than 2-1? Did you know that? Have you heard that in ANY report thus far? One need only consult the 2000 census figures to verify. 67% of New Orleans' residents are black. Does it seem such a stretch of the imagination that blacks would make up the large majority of those left or remaining behind after Katrina?

Has the mainstream media reported that Mayor Nagin's previous experience consisted of being the general manager of a local cable company? (What's the biggest crisis you would deal with in that job? HBO going off the air maybe?) Or did you know one of the major focuses of Governor Blanco since taking office was to concern herself with what was going to happen to the New Orleans Saints? Let's see now, which was more likely to pose a more grave and immediate threat to New Orleans? The Saints...or perhaps New Orleans drowning from a hurricane? That's not Monday morning quarterbacking folks, that's just common sense ignored.

Do you remember when you were a child and you did something that your parents told you not to, and it came back to haunt you? What's the first thing you said? "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!" Or maybe you blamed it on your imaginary friend. When Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco immediately began blaiming President Bush and the feds for their failure to properly prepare, it was like 1st Grade all over again. I guess if you don't plan ahead you should plan to pander to the cameras if you're an elected official in Louisiana.

Are the feds to be held accountable in this mess? Absolutely. They bear a certain and important degree of responsibility for moving slower than they should have, but this massive cobweb of failure was already stretching from pillar to post by the time the feds became entangled. Government isn't like the private sector. Government is slow and all too often, stupid.

History will sort out the appropriate amount of blame for all involved, but more significant, history will also show that when the crisis came ashore the Democraps' leaders picked up their politically-painted buckets and poured more water on the situation rather than picking up a pail and helping bale it out. It's a far cry from the "side-by-side" cooperation we saw after 9-1-1, and enough to make you cry period. But then again, the Democraps have an election to win in '08 and there's no time for tears--only for tearing down. Something the Democraps are experts at.

And that, in part, is why I'm no longer a Democrap.


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