Saturday, July 09, 2005

Sign of the times.

"Marketing-speak" is everywhere--and no one seems to mind. Phrases like "Your call is very important to us..." and "It's our way of saying Thank you..." fill our senses, our day, our lives. And on occassion, you just have to laugh at the idiocy of the situation.

My current favorite is a small sign posted on the glass door of a Lexington retail clothing store which reads: "To our valued customers, we are no longer able to offer a public bathroom."

So let me get this straight... My business at this store is valued, unless I need to use the bathroom?

(Those of you who know me well know that I lack the ability or perhaps the gene which prevents one from speaking out in a situation like this... So of course, I did. I casually informed the clerk that the use of the word "valued" in that sign rang a bit hollow... He could only shrug in a gesture of body language that replied his defensiveness of the situation. Isn't blind loyalty a wonderful trait?)


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