Sunday, July 03, 2005

Need another reason to fear others on the road?

It had to happen sooner or later and I can't say that I'm really surprised. I was driving behind a behemoth SUV last night and noticed through the window that the vehicle had a DVD player. But it certainly wasn't a Disney movie they were watching. It was clearly a porno video, no doubt about it. Mobile porn... Wonderful. As if cell phones, applying make-up, shaving, and reading while driving weren't enough distractions to some drivers...

If I had had small children in my car I would have been tempted to dial the police to report this rolling porn theater. Pulling alongside the SUV while passing I was surprised to discover that the driver was not a young male as I had mistakenly assumed---instead it was a middle aged female accompanied by another middle-aged female in the passenger seat. The rear windows were darkly tinted so it was impossible to tell who the passengers were in the rear seat who were watching the movie. WWLFT? (What would Larry Flynt think?)

I am not a prude. However, I don't condone this sort of brain-dead behavior. Keep it at home and not where someone's children may be able to see it. I'm confident it won't be long before this type of incident occurs where traffic tickets or arrests occur. How would you like to spend a few hours in jail for "pedaling porn"??


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