Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Picasso perhaps?

Expression of oneself is inherent to human nature. Here's something rather addictive: Click here to test your skills. Are you a gifted artist or are Crayola crayons more your speed? Follow the link to see my first creation. It won't be sold at Sotheby's any time soon but then again, how much did you pay to see it?

Fabric: Friend? Foe?

Life is too short to wander around the world wearing the wrong fabric. Choose wrong and your day is over before it ever begins. The temperatures are climbing. There's really only one solution: Linen. Linen is luxurious, light, and first line of defense against the heat. People who wear linen always seem to be a step ahead of the rest of the crowd--and why not? They're about 10-degrees cooler than everyone else. Suggestion: Do yourself a favor... Throw out everything else in your closet except for the linen items until the temperature drops lower than Paris Hilton's morals.

100% cotton will do in a pinch, if you must, but don't be caught dead with anything polyester in your arsenal. Microfibre is barely OK, if you don't know any better. Grab your shades, your favorite linen pieces, and head out. It's doesn't really matter where you're headed, you have already arrived.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Flashback: Movie made in Kentucky.

Orlando Bloom on the set of "Elizabethtown."

On the set of "Elizabethtown."

This photograph was taken on the set of the upcoming motion picture, "Elizabethtown," directed by Cameron Crowe, starring Orlando Bloom and Kristin Dunst. "Elizabethown" is loosely named after the city of Elizabethtown, Kentucky. "Elizabethtown" was shot, in part, in Kentucky. I was a paid extra ("Background Actor") last Summer during filming in nearby Versailles, Kentucky. Movie release date: October 21, 2005.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Life in Lexington in the 1800s.

This was the view on Main Street in downtown Lexington in 1898. The streetcars, trains, and horse-drawn carriages disappeared many, many years ago, leaving a downtown that is no longer interesting or inviting. Beware of "progress."

In the Winner's Circle at Keeneland.

Flashback: Keeneland Race Course, Lexington, April 2005. Trophy presentation for the "Keeneland Magazine Race."

Black Tie in Beverly Hills.

Flashback: Eclipse Awards, Beverly Hills, California, January 2005. The Eclipse Awards are the "Oscars" for the horse racing industry.

Easy girls, try to control yourself.

Working stage security at Lexington's Rupp Arena can occassionally have its lighter moments. Here is a recent photograph taken backstage during a concert in May. I am meeting the "Pussy Cat Girls" who's current song "Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me?" is climbing the charts.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

"Orcas, dead ahead!"

On Sunday I spent the day visiting the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest just up from Seattle, whale-watching. It was one of the most entertaining and exciting experiences I have had in quite some time. The weather was perfect, the boat's crew were knowledgeable and friendly--and luckily, the orcas were plentiful. This is peak whale-watching season. During the course of the absolutely beautiful afternoon, we observed several different "pods" (groups) of orcas swimming around the islands, and one whale in particular, the reported matriarch of her pod, is said to be 95 years old, born in 1910. There was also a six-month old orca in one of the groups. The remarkable animals swam amazingly close to our boat and to hear them breath through their blow-hole as they passed was something I will never forget.

Click on "San Juan Islands" (above) to visit the island cam. Friday Island is where we arrived and departed via a one hour ferry ride. It was a blast and I will remember it for many years. To see assorted photographs of the area, click here.

We were also fortunate enough to see two American bald eagles and numerous other exotic birds and even some sea lions. If you ever have an opportunity to visit that area, I strongly encourage you to go whale-watching. You will never forget it.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Nothing to crowe about.

Are celebrities becoming more screwball or am I the only person who has grown tired of Russell Crowe's antics? Enough already. He's either drunk or assaulting someone, or both. Either clean it up and ship it out. I have just two words for you Russ, "DE-TOX!" You seem to be a little too much like the character "Bud" you portrayed in L.A. Confidential. (One of my favorite movies.) Maybe we should put him on an island with Angelina Jolie and let them enjoy each other's insanity until they disappear off the face of the earth.

And in case you missed seeing the most famous furry critter onscreen since that gopher from Caddyshack (another of my favorite movies), Sharon Stone is currently shooting "Basic Instinct 2." Let's pray her infamous "flash scene" from the original motion picture isn't going to be a part of the sequel. But what a perfect opportunity for Miss Clairol for Crotches to buy a product placement.

Finally, I don't know about you but I'm about ready to read in the newspaper where "Jared" from Subway has been kidnapped by three fat ladies from New Jersey... Anything to get him off of my television. I used to enjoy a meal from Subway now and then, but since being fed a steady diet of Jared every time I turn the TV on, I don't care if I ever eat there again. (Did you know Subway is the largest fast food chain in the world? It's true. If you thought it was McDonald's you were incorrect... Where else are you going to learn these things folks??? Stay tuned.)


Apparently I like bands named after vegetables. I mean who doesn't like a heaping helping of The Blackeyed Peas? I can't get enough. Although it may be an anomaly, I confess I'm not fond of Korn.

Why I'll never be a superhero...

Today, at work, I pulled not one, not two, but three dryer fabric sheets out of my clothing--a record number. That sort of thing never happens to a superhero. Have you ever seen Spiderman or Batman pull one out of their costume? Of course not, they have them drycleaned.

Monday, June 06, 2005

How does a psycho know he/she is a psycho?

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. No one I know has gotten it right---including me.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be just that! She fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive in killing her sister?

(Give this some thought before you answer).

Answer: She was hoping that her dream guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a psychopath killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you.

Friday, June 03, 2005

I can read you like a book...

Are you a good judge of people? I am. I can read you across a crowded room with uncanny accuracy. Can you tell the difference between a serial killer and a computer geek? Have some fun with this: http://www.malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz. And by the way, I scored 9 out of 10. (Hey, I didn't say I was perfect. It just seems that way to you.)