Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Nothing to crowe about.

Are celebrities becoming more screwball or am I the only person who has grown tired of Russell Crowe's antics? Enough already. He's either drunk or assaulting someone, or both. Either clean it up and ship it out. I have just two words for you Russ, "DE-TOX!" You seem to be a little too much like the character "Bud" you portrayed in L.A. Confidential. (One of my favorite movies.) Maybe we should put him on an island with Angelina Jolie and let them enjoy each other's insanity until they disappear off the face of the earth.

And in case you missed seeing the most famous furry critter onscreen since that gopher from Caddyshack (another of my favorite movies), Sharon Stone is currently shooting "Basic Instinct 2." Let's pray her infamous "flash scene" from the original motion picture isn't going to be a part of the sequel. But what a perfect opportunity for Miss Clairol for Crotches to buy a product placement.

Finally, I don't know about you but I'm about ready to read in the newspaper where "Jared" from Subway has been kidnapped by three fat ladies from New Jersey... Anything to get him off of my television. I used to enjoy a meal from Subway now and then, but since being fed a steady diet of Jared every time I turn the TV on, I don't care if I ever eat there again. (Did you know Subway is the largest fast food chain in the world? It's true. If you thought it was McDonald's you were incorrect... Where else are you going to learn these things folks??? Stay tuned.)


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