Monday, May 23, 2005

I've never seen the air but I know that it's there.

If a person has never been in love, how can they comprehend this complex feeling that is love? You cannot easily explain it, you cannot manufacture it, you cannot write an equation for it, you cannot create it in a lab. You can love something but that is a far cry from being in love. But true love can shake you to your core at one moment and repel bullets the next. It is more precious than gold but you can't hold it in your hand--yet at any given moment it can slip right through your fingers. There are those that simply love to love and those who cannot love. Which is more sad? I don't wish to be around either. Love makes you do brave and stupid things. You cannot control love any more than you can control the ocean, after all, true love is stronger than the ocean, and far more consuming. Perhaps that is why we are so compelled to write songs about it, paint pictures of it, and pen poetry filled with it. I don't know the exact definition of it, but I know it when I see it. Such a simple word, such a complicated emotion. Don't you just love it?


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